What is it The Alt Text refers to the description of the visual elements of an image and which allows search engines (namely Google) to obtain information about the content of the image, or what it represents.
Note that the image title and the alt tag are two distinct elements: While the image title refers to the name, the alt tag refers to its description.
How to write alt text When creating the alt text, it is important to remember what your goal is: to describe the content of the image.
According to
Google, when choosing alt text, you should focus on creating useful and informative content related with the content of the page.
Furthermore, you shouldn't use too many
keywords as this can interfere with the user experience and the site can be seen as spam. Therefore, try to create an alt text that is as descriptive and objective as possible.
Take a look of the following example:
For creating an alt text for this image, a bad example would be "Cat"
A good example would be "White and gray cat playing with a pink wool ball"
Why is alt text important?Accessibility and User Experience
Alt text guarantees that all visual content is accessible to all users, such as invisuals or users who for whatever reason are unable to see the image. In these situations, what appears is the alt text that gives the information of what was supposed to be seeing in that image.
Traffic Despite the continuous evolution of search engines with regard to image recognition, the truth is that they still cannot "see" images the same way we can. For this reason it is important that this information is provided to them.
When getting information about the content of the image, it is more likely that the images also appear in the search results, as is the example of Google Images, working as another source of traffic to your website.
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