DIWA - Digital Web Agency

28 Mar,2022

multiple graphics
Bounce rate is a very important metric in Digital Marketing, and refers to the percentage of people who visit a website and leave without any kind of interaction, such as visiting other pages of the website, or filling out a form.

21 Mar,2022

social media icons
Social selling is a strategy that uses social networks (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Linkedin etc...) as a way to build a relationship with potencial customers, in order to gain leads and even generate or increase sales.

18 Mar,2022

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a Digital Marketing strategy that uses search engine visibility to promote a website.

14 Mar,2022

Click no rato
If you work with Digital Marketing, you have certainly come across the expression "CTA" several times.
Today we have prepared a brief article where we explain what they are, why they are used and where you can use them.

28 Feb,2022

Testes A/B
A/B tests (also known as split tests) are a tool widely used in Digital Marketing that allows, as the name implies, to carry out tests by changing only one variable and evaluate which option produces the best results.