What are responsive ads?

29 Dec,2021

Pesquisa Google
Responsive ads automatically adapt in terms of size, appearance and format to fit in the available advertising spaces.
With this type of ads, it is possible to upload various resources (images, titles, videos and descriptions) and allow Google to automatically create the ads.
The goal is to show different combinations of resources available to users, according to the search history, thus providing greater customization.

Optimization and personalization of ads
As mentioned above, when uploading various resources to Google ads, Google uses its machine learning model in order to determine the best combinationa according to the search history.

Broader reach
Google allows you to upload multiple resources of the same type (multiple titles and multiple descriptions etc). This allows Google to automatically adjust the ad to fit virtually any available space, allowing the same ad to appear in a banner on a website, and in a text ad on another.

You can also add videos to responsive ads. Videos are shown whenever Google thinks it might perform better than an image.

Responsive search ads vs dynamic search ads
Altough they are similar, responsive ads and dynamic ads refer to different types of ads.
Responsive ads refer to the type of ads that when are provided multiple resources, Google chooses between them according to your machine learning sytem.
Dynamc ads refer to when Google creates, for example, a title for your ad based on the content of your website.

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