19 Jul,2022
4 ways to increase interaction on social media
1 - Produce relevant content
The first essential aspect to take into account to be successful in your social media strategy has to do with the content produced.
In addition to sharing content that matches what your brand offers, it is also important to analyze your persona and which content they will be most interested in.
2 - Offer quality content
Another important aspect to keep in mind when it comes to content is its quality.
There is no point in producing content of high interest to your target audience if it is accompanied by unappealing images, videos or audios with low definition.
3 - Invite your followers to the interaction
A direct way to increase engagement on social media is to invite your followers to interact with your posts through CTA's (call-to-action).
Try to use incentives such as:
"Tell us what you think" or "Share with a friend who identifies with this post".
Another tactic might be asking your followers questions. By this way, you will not only obtain relevant information about the opinion of your audience, but also increase their engagement with the brand.
4 - Be consistent
When we talk about social media, it is important to pay attention to the need for consistency and frequency in publications. If you only publish a few posts a month, with a large distance between them, it is likely that you will not be able to achieve a large reach and engagement will consequently be lower.
For this reason, is is essential to plan the content and timing of the posts well in advance to ensure publication frequency.
How ofter should you post on social media?
The frequency of publications varies between each business and each social network.
However, there is some consensus between 1 daily post for Instagram, and 2 daily posts for Facebook.